December 2022 Newsletter


‘Tis the season for gifts and gratitude.  Gifts come in many forms … birthday gifts, wedding gifts, holiday gifts, cards that celebrate special moments or offer loving messages.  Sometimes those gifts take on unique and surprising forms, like a smile from the check out person at the grocery store, the offer of help when a little assistance is needed, a hug from a friend, the joy of seeing improvement after lots of work on a particular issue (something I see in the clinic regularly!).  Last summer on a rainy day I received a gift that was so unexpected it truly filled my heart.  As many of you know, I offer regular yoga sessions early in the morning on my dock in the summer.  One day in August I woke up late to the pitter patter of rain and quickly sent out a notice to cancel class outdoors on the dock in favor of an online class session.  As I was setting up indoors, cars began arriving and people started showing up in their raincoats for yoga on the dock (island folks truly are hardy!).  I quickly switched gears again and moved back outside as folks in the online group waited patiently for me to start the session.  We began our practice in a light rain but as the class progressed, the rain subsided and the coats and sweatshirts came off.  Later, during savasana, the final pose of relaxation, I noticed dark clouds just across the lake.  The calm that I had hoped to transmit to all in savasana needed to be cut short.  We completed the class perhaps a bit wetter than we started but with smiles all around.  As those faithful yogis were driving away, the rain started again, nourishing the gardens and ponds, and my heart was singing … in the rain!  What an amazing gift, the gift of their presence, I had received to start my Wednesday morning!  

Many times as I embark on a new endeavor I experience feelings of doubt and wonder whether I’m on the right path or just plain crazy.  I know this feeling is not uncommon.  Finding and following your direction in life, or any part of life, can invite that anxiety.  How to deal with those feelings and yet stay the course, or perhaps heed those anxious thoughts and look for other answers that better fit your needs, is not easy.  Listening to your heart and letting what you hear fill you with the confirmation that what you are doing is the right thing can help to dispel those doubts.  It’s not always so simple, of course, but slowing down and listening deeply can sometimes show us the way.

As many of you know, I am pursuing my dream of building a healing space here on Madeline Island to offer yoga, meditation, and possibly Tai Chi (in the winter) and other movement and healing practices.  I would like a special space to host retreats for people to get away from their hectic lives, center again, and hopefully find nourishment in the gathering, practice and in nature.  We have received full approval from the town to build that space, Arnie’s crew installed the driveway and parking spaces.  Construction on the yurt Is well under way with the dome and windows installed just before the blizzard hit this week.  Hopefully come spring/summer we will have a structure to bless and fill with community and healing movement.  The gift of the practice of yoga, rain or shine with a hardy group that is flexible and eager to practice, convinces me that I’m on the path that is right for me.  I’m feeling so much gratitude for this amazing community, and I’m thankful for that inner voice that kept telling me to stay the course!

Activities with Healing Motion 

Sunrise Yoga is virtual on zoom on Wednesday and Saturdays at 8am.  If you are on the island and would like to practice together in community please contact me at

Tai Chi is at the Madeline Island library on Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30am.  No cost just come and move with focus.

Donation: A minimal donation of $10.00 for live virtual yoga class participation is requested, as it is nice to honor the value of the sharing. Most importantly, I want to share the practice of yoga with you and don’t want the payment to be an impediment to your practicing so please contact me if there is a concern.

Venmo: Marnie-Myhre
Check: Marnie Myhre - PO Box 497 - LaPointe, WI - 54850

Move It Lose It!  I recently wrote an article regarding age related muscle loss for the Island Gazette.  It will be posted on my website if you are interested in reading it. 


If you love someone, the greatest gift you can give them is your presence. 

—Thich Nhat Hahn

And enter the quiet immensity of your own presence. May you have joy and peace in the temple of your senses. 

May you receive great encouragement when new frontiers beckon. May you respond to the call of your gift 

And find the courage to follow its path. May the flame of anger free you from falsity. 

May warmth of heart keep your presence aflame and anxiety never linger about you. May your outer dignity mirror an inner dignity of soul. 

May you take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that seek no attention. May you be consoled in the secret symmetry of your soul. 

May you experience each day as a sacred gift, Woven around the heart of wonder.

– John O’Donohue

With a grateful heart I wish you a very Happy Holiday, and the blessing of your presence with the love, connection and tenderness you bring forth in this world.


Healing Motion